Production By Month For Jar-Jim, Inc. Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Jar-Jim, Inc. oil and gas production between July 1983 and June 1984
Other Louisiana Operators List Alphabetically James W. Williamson Jamex, Inc. Jan-Mar Oil Company Inc. Jandar Exploration, L.C. Janex Oil Co., Inc. Janus Exploration Company Japex (U.S.) Corp. Jarred-Walsh & Watts-Txo Jaworski Consultants II, Inc. Jay Development Corp. JB & K, L.L.C. JBM Gas Corporation JC Energy Properties JC Trahan DRL Con Inc-Hope Nat JCB II Enterprises LLC
Other Louisiana Operators List Alphabetically James W. Williamson Jamex, Inc. Jan-Mar Oil Company Inc. Jandar Exploration, L.C. Janex Oil Co., Inc. Janus Exploration Company Japex (U.S.) Corp. Jarred-Walsh & Watts-Txo Jaworski Consultants II, Inc. Jay Development Corp. JB & K, L.L.C. JBM Gas Corporation JC Energy Properties JC Trahan DRL Con Inc-Hope Nat JCB II Enterprises LLC