Kinsey Interests And Marlin Oil & Gas Wells in Louisiana

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Kinsey Interests And Marlin
Production Dates on File: January 1977 to March 1983

2 Total Leases

14 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Kinsey Interests And Marlin
Leases Associated With Kinsey Interests And Marlin
Production Based on June 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 025574-2 TL SU62;MORRIS Catahoula Parish
# 025577-2 TL SU64;TALIAFERRO C Catahoula Parish
Wells Associated With Kinsey Interests And Marlin
Production Based on June 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 17-025-01047 FAIRBANKS 001 Catahoula Parish DRY AND PLUGGED
# 17-085-00624 SLIMAN 001 Sabine Parish DRY AND PLUGGED
# 17-025-00561 TALIAFERRO E-1 Catahoula Parish DRY AND PLUGGED
# 17-085-00623 DICK SLIMAN 003 Sabine Parish DRY AND PLUGGED
# 17-025-00581 MOODY 001 Catahoula Parish DRY AND PLUGGED
# 17-025-00583 TL SU 61;TALIAFERRO 001 Catahoula Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-025-00585 TALIAFERRO B 001 Catahoula Parish DRY AND PLUGGED
# 17-025-00586 TALIA FERRO B 002 Catahoula Parish DRY AND PLUGGED
# 17-025-00587 TL SU64;TALIAFERRO C C001 Catahoula Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-025-00582 TL SU62;MORRIS 001 Catahoula Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-025-00589 TL SU65;TALIAFERRO D-1 Catahoula Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-025-00584 TALIAFERRO 002 Catahoula Parish DRY AND PLUGGED
# 17-025-00590 TALIAFERRO D-2 Catahoula Parish DRY AND PLUGGED
# 17-025-00588 TALIAFERRO C-2 Catahoula Parish DRY AND PLUGGED