Nichols Oil & Gas Corporation Oil & Gas Wells in Louisiana

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Nichols Oil & Gas Corporation
Production Dates on File: June 1979 to December 1998

6 Total Leases

6 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Nichols Oil & Gas Corporation
Wells Associated With Nichols Oil & Gas Corporation
Production Based on June 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 17-027-20472 HOSS A RA SUX;NOLAN SHAW 002 Claiborne Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-027-20517 HOSS B RA SUTT;FAULK 001 Claiborne Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-027-20566 CV RA SUG;HENRY 001 Claiborne Parish DRY AND PLUGGED
# 17-027-20571 HOSS BRA SUVV;SENTELL 001 Claiborne Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-027-20589 HOSS RASU58;DRAKE 001 Claiborne Parish DRY AND PLUGGED
# 17-017-26482 MARY G PITTS 001 Caddo Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED