Nortex Oil & Gas, Inc. Oil & Gas Wells in Louisiana

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Nortex Oil & Gas, Inc.
Production Dates on File: April 1990 to February 1994

7 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Nortex Oil & Gas, Inc.
Wells Associated With Nortex Oil & Gas, Inc.
Production Based on June 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 17-027-20290 LI PRS SU;A EDMONDS EST A 16-8 Claiborne Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-027-20876 LI PRS SU;SWINT 023-2 Claiborne Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-027-21799 ZELDA VICK 22 A 001 Claiborne Parish PERMIT EXPIRED
# 17-027-02293 LI PRS SU;H H EMERSON 022-8 Claiborne Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-027-02288 LI PRS SU;F T HOOD 022-12 Claiborne Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED
# 17-027-02301 LI PRS SU;HOOD-HUFFMAN 022-10 Claiborne Parish ACT 404 ORPHAN WELL-INJECTION A
# 17-027-02312 LI PRS SU;T B HOOD 027-2 Claiborne Parish PLUGGED AND ABANDONED