Westek Resources, Inc. Oil & Gas Wells in Louisiana

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Westek Resources, Inc.
Production Dates on File: August 1999 to January 2004

4 Total Leases

6 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Westek Resources, Inc.
Leases Associated With Westek Resources, Inc.
Production Based on June 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 048898-1 WHITEHURST Sabine Parish
# 048936-1 BASS Sabine Parish
# 049542-1 WILLIAMS Sabine Parish
# 223055-3 DANS Natchitoches Parish
Wells Associated With Westek Resources, Inc.
Production Based on June 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 17-069-20375 SETTLE 001 Natchitoches Parish DRY AND PLUGGED
# 17-085-21914 MURRAY 001 Sabine Parish DRY AND PLUGGED
# 17-085-21916 SABINE UPLIFT 001 Sabine Parish DRY AND PLUGGED
# 17-085-21917 SABINE UPLIFT 002 Sabine Parish DRY AND PLUGGED