Lease Summary
Lease Name: Bba X RB Su
Operator: Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company
County: Plaquemines Parish, LA
Production Dates on File: January 1977 to June 1989

3 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Bba X RB Su
Wells Associated With Bba X RB Su
Production Based on June 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 17-075-01729 BBA X RB SU; BLM 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1958-06-26
# 17-075-22405 BLD 014 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1977-12-14
# 17-075-01722 W RB SUA;BLD 009 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1960-01-21