M-10 R 24-24a PR; C L Johnson

Lease Summary
Lease Name: M-10 R 24-24a PR; C L Johnson
Operator: Getty Oil Company
County: Plaquemines Parish, LA
Production Dates on File: January 1977 to December 1977

5 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with M-10 R 24-24a PR; C L Johnson
Wells Associated With M-10 R 24-24a PR; C L Johnson
Production Based on June 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 17-075-02384 B7 RB SUA;ML&F CO A 057-ALT ACTIVE - PRODUCING 1941-01-24
# 17-075-02385 JOHNSON C L 003 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1944-07-10
# 17-075-02383 JOHNSON C L 004 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1945-03-04
# 17-075-02386 VUA;C L JOHNSON 001 SHUT-IN PRODUCTIVE -FUTURE UTIL 0000-00-00
# 17-075-02379 VUB;C. L. JOHNSON 008 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1949-03-10