Lease Summary Lease Name: Emma Mae Tatum Operator: S. S. Tatum County: Sabine Parish, LA Production Dates on File: January 1980 to August 1999 1 Total Wells
Production By Month For Emma Mae Tatum Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Emma Mae Tatum oil and gas production between January 1980 and July 1998
Wells Associated With Emma Mae Tatum Production Based on June 2024 Data API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date # 17-085-00458 EMMA MAE TATUM 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1963-08-17
Leases Near Emma Mae Tatum Cranford A Lease Evans Fee C Lease Frost Lumber Ind Lease G R Graham Lease Graham Lease Graham-Allen Lease Ha Ra Su76; Lease Ha Ra Su99; Lease J E Graham A Lease J E Graham B Lease J E Graham C Lease Mott Lease O V Graham Lease Olin J Lease P Tatum Lease
Leases Near Emma Mae Tatum Cranford A Lease Evans Fee C Lease Frost Lumber Ind Lease G R Graham Lease Graham Lease Graham-Allen Lease Ha Ra Su76; Lease Ha Ra Su99; Lease J E Graham A Lease J E Graham B Lease J E Graham C Lease Mott Lease O V Graham Lease Olin J Lease P Tatum Lease
Operators in the Area Aztec Production Company Beard Energy Group, Inc. Chesapeake Operating, Inc. Cranford Exploration, Inc. Evans Brothers Gerald C. Eddy Global Operating Co. Inc. Indigo Minerals LLC J D S Oil And Gas Kanpetro, Inc. LVW, Inc. Midland Workover, Inc. Phoenix Opr Co Inc-Omega 85 T. J. Paul Texas T Oil Co.
Operators in the Area Aztec Production Company Beard Energy Group, Inc. Chesapeake Operating, Inc. Cranford Exploration, Inc. Evans Brothers Gerald C. Eddy Global Operating Co. Inc. Indigo Minerals LLC J D S Oil And Gas Kanpetro, Inc. LVW, Inc. Midland Workover, Inc. Phoenix Opr Co Inc-Omega 85 T. J. Paul Texas T Oil Co.