Miller Heirs

Lease Summary
Lease Name: Miller Heirs
Operator: Century Oil, Inc.
County: Sabine Parish, LA
Production Dates on File: January 1977 to May 2013

8 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Miller Heirs
Wells Associated With Miller Heirs
Production Based on June 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 17-085-03934 MILLER HEIRS 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1966-07-13
# 17-085-20290 MILLER HEIRS 002 DRY AND PLUGGED 1975-11-09
# 17-085-20474 MILLER HEIRS 003 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1979-04-12
# 17-085-03948 MILLER HEIRS 004 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1964-07-24
# 17-085-03949 MILLER HEIRS 005 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1965-09-03
# 17-085-21285 MILLER HEIRS 006 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1983-12-12
# 17-085-21388 MILLER HEIRS 008 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1984-09-13
# 17-085-21465 MILLER HEIRS 009 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 0000-00-00