Lease Summary Lease Name: Ideal Fur Co. Operator: Texaco, Inc. County: St. Charles Parish, LA Production Dates on File: January 1980 to August 1985 1 Total Wells
Wells Associated With Ideal Fur Co. Production Based on June 2024 Data API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date # 17-089-00653 U 3 RA SUA;IDEAL FUR CO A 001-ALT PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1964-02-06
Leases Near Ideal Fur Co. 10500 RB Sua;Ideal Fur Co Lease 10700 Ra Vua;LL&E B Lease 10800 Ra Sua;Ideal Fur Co A Lease D S Milling Et Al Lease Ideal Fur Co Lease Ideal Fur Company Lease Ideal Fur Company Lease R C Milling Lease R C Milling Lease R C Milling Et Al Lease Roberts C. Milling Et Al Lease U 1 Ra Sua;Ideal Fur Co Lease U 1 Ra Sub;Ideal Fur Co Lease U 3 Ra Sua Lease U 3 Ra Sub;Ideal Fur Co Lease
Leases Near Ideal Fur Co. 10500 RB Sua;Ideal Fur Co Lease 10700 Ra Vua;LL&E B Lease 10800 Ra Sua;Ideal Fur Co A Lease D S Milling Et Al Lease Ideal Fur Co Lease Ideal Fur Company Lease Ideal Fur Company Lease R C Milling Lease R C Milling Lease R C Milling Et Al Lease Roberts C. Milling Et Al Lease U 1 Ra Sua;Ideal Fur Co Lease U 1 Ra Sub;Ideal Fur Co Lease U 3 Ra Sua Lease U 3 Ra Sub;Ideal Fur Co Lease
Operators in the Area B & R Associates Campbell Energy Corporation Davis Oil Company Delta Operating Corporation Exxon Corporation Forcenergy Inc Gulf South Operators, Inc. Hilcorp Energy Company La. Land & Expl. Co. Martin Exploration Co. MVP Production Inc. Resources Investment Corp Senior G&A Operating Co Inc Tesla Resources, Inc. Watson Energy, L.L.C.
Operators in the Area B & R Associates Campbell Energy Corporation Davis Oil Company Delta Operating Corporation Exxon Corporation Forcenergy Inc Gulf South Operators, Inc. Hilcorp Energy Company La. Land & Expl. Co. Martin Exploration Co. MVP Production Inc. Resources Investment Corp Senior G&A Operating Co Inc Tesla Resources, Inc. Watson Energy, L.L.C.