SL 1667

Lease Summary
Lease Name: SL 1667
Operator: Cxy Energy, Inc.
County: St. Mary Parish, LA
Production Dates on File: January 2001 to February 2016

6 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with SL 1667
Wells Associated With SL 1667
Production Based on June 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 17-709-20265 EI18 K RB SU;SL 1667 048 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1981-05-10
# 17-709-00481 SL 1667 001 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1954-04-25
# 17-709-00503 SL 1667 026 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1959-10-24
# 17-709-20200 SL 1667 045 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1975-08-01
# 17-709-20224 SL 1667 047 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1978-11-05
# 17-709-00370 SL 1667 050 PLUGGED AND ABANDONED 1978-08-02