Fowler Howard E Trustee Oil & Gas Wells in Michigan

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Fowler Howard E Trustee
Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available

7 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Fowler Howard E Trustee
Wells Associated With Fowler Howard E Trustee
Production Based on August 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 21-005-05028 BIRCHARD, FRED O. AND IDA MAY 1 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-139-07296 ALBRECHT, W. 1 Ottawa County Plugging Approved
# 21-159-05403 MELVIN, IDA 1 Van Buren County Plugging Approved
# 21-159-05794 MELVIN, IDA J-2 Van Buren County Plugging Approved
# 21-159-05862 MELVIN, IDA J-3 Van Buren County Plugging Approved
# 21-159-05863 MELVIN 4 Van Buren County Plugging Approved
# 21-161-07648 READ, SAMUEL R. & HELEN M. 1 Washtenaw County Plugging Approved