G And H Producers Inc Oil & Gas Wells in Michigan

Operator Summary
Operator Name: G And H Producers Inc
Production Dates on File: December 1997 to September 2004

3 Currently Producing Leases

10 Total Leases

14 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with G And H Producers Inc
Wells Associated With G And H Producers Inc
Production Based on August 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 21-017-08618 KIRCHER 3 Bay County Plugging Approved
# 21-017-08722 KIRCHER, ANNA G 5 Bay County Plugging Approved
# 21-017-16156 BLOHM, JOHN 2 Bay County Plugging Approved
# 21-017-16156 BLOHM, JOHN 2 Bay County Plugging Approved
# 21-017-20141 PREVOST, GEORGE COMM 4 Bay County Plugging Approved
# 21-145-00055 Seymore 1 Saginaw County Plugging Approved
# 21-145-00056 Nelson-Nowack 1 Saginaw County Plugging Approved
# 21-145-00057 Mershon Vineyard (Saginaw Prospecting #34) 2A Saginaw County Plugging Approved
# 21-145-00061 Fons 1 Saginaw County Plugging Approved
# 21-145-00062 Eastwood Glass Company 1 Saginaw County Plugging Approved
# 21-145-00063 Scherzer 6 Saginaw County Plugging Approved
# 21-145-00064 Scherzer, Christian (Saginaw Prospecting #17) 1 Saginaw County Plugging Approved
# 21-145-00065 Scherzer, Christian (Saginaw Prospecting #64) 4 Saginaw County Plugging Approved
# 21-145-00733 SPATZ 73 Saginaw County Plugging Approved