Sleep Leonard C Oil & Gas Wells in Michigan

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Sleep Leonard C
Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available

28 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Sleep Leonard C
Wells Associated With Sleep Leonard C
Production Based on August 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 21-005-08544 BRIDGEMAN 1 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-08621 BRIDGEMAN 2 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-08691 BRIDGEMAN 3 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-09306 BRIDGEMAN 4 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-11283 GRANGER, CURLE 1 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-12113 HANSEN 1 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-12196 HOYER, MAUDE S. 1 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-12257 WRIGHT & REYNOLDS COMM. 1 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-12331 ARNDT ESTATE 1 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-12723 ELLINGER, MILTON 1 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-12835 ELLINGER, PAUL 1 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-12895 ELLINGER, MILTON 2 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-12948 ELLINGER, MILTON 3 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-13070 CAYWOOD, WILLIAM 1 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-13332 LAUE, CHARLES A. 1 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-13333 THOMPSON. CHARLES A. 1 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-13593 UTTON, HENRY 1 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-13933 CHLEBANA, M. 1 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-005-13978 WHEATLEY, ED 1 Allegan County Plugging Approved
# 21-139-14628 DEVRIES, WILL 1 Ottawa County Plugging Approved
# 21-159-05516 WAIT, SUSIE E. 1 Van Buren County Plugging Approved
# 21-159-05562 WAIT, SUSIE E. 2 Van Buren County Plugging Approved
# 21-159-08590 PULLIN 1 Van Buren County Plugging Approved
# 21-159-12430 CHAMBERLAIN, JOHN 2 Van Buren County Plugging Approved
# 21-159-12602 GENT, C. 1 Van Buren County Plugging Approved
# 21-159-13757 GENT, C. 2 Van Buren County Plugging Approved
# 21-159-14440 MODEN, MILES M. AND LAURA A. 1 Van Buren County Plugging Approved
# 21-159-14674 KLECHAK, ANTON & ANNA 1 Van Buren County Plugging Approved