W B Osborn Oil And Gas Operations LTD Oil & Gas Wells in Michigan

Operator Summary
Operator Name: W B Osborn Oil And Gas Operations LTD
Production Dates on File: December 2010 to September 2024

2 Counties With Production

18 Currently Producing Leases

26 Total Leases

15 Currently Producing Wells

66 Total Wells

10.2 k Barrels of Oil Produced in Aug 2024

Map of Wells Associated with W B Osborn Oil And Gas Operations LTD
W B Osborn Oil And Gas Operations LTD Production By County
Production Based on August 2024 Data
Location Total Wells Oil Production Gas Production Total BOE
Mecosta County 24 2,857 BBLs 0 MCF 2,857 BBLs
Montcalm County 20 7,360 BBLs 0 MCF 7,360 BBLs
Leases Associated With W B Osborn Oil And Gas Operations LTD
Production Based on August 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location Oil Production
# 21475 Tillman 1-17 Mecosta County
# 21504 McCall 1-17 Mecosta County
# 21539 HARTMAN 2-16 Mecosta County
# 21541 HARTMAN 1-16 Mecosta County
# 21545 HARTMAN 3-16 Mecosta County
# 21549 MCCALL 2-17 Mecosta County
# 21576 MACKERSIE 1-9 Mecosta County
# 21592 MCCLINTIC 1-4 Isabella County
# 21593 NEUMAN 1-28 Osceola County
# 21631 RHOADS 1-20 Mecosta County
# 21640 WILLIAMSON-MOSER 1-9 Mecosta County
# 21645 SMITH 1-17 Mecosta County
# 21652 RHOADS 2-20 Mecosta County
# 21656 MCCALL 3-17 Mecosta County
# 21668 MCCALL 4-17 Mecosta County
# 21682 GOULDING 1-22 Montcalm County
# 21758 WING 1-23A Montcalm County
# 21764 MCALVEY 2-22 Montcalm County
# 21785 MCALVEY 1-22A Montcalm County
# 23351 MARSHALL 1-22 Montcalm County
# 23591 STRATTON-SCOTT 1-22 Montcalm County
# 23594 WILSON 1-23 Montcalm County
# 24005 BRITTON 1-23 Montcalm County
# 24007 WILSON 2-23 Montcalm County
# 24008 WILSON 1-22 Montcalm County
# 24021 STRATTON 1-22 Montcalm County
Wells Associated With W B Osborn Oil And Gas Operations LTD
Production Based on August 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 21-073-60608 MCCLINTIC 1-4 Isabella County Plugging Completed
# 21-073-60737 MCCLINTIC, PAMELA MAE 2-4 Isabella County Terminated Permit
# 21-073-61083 PINE HILL CLUB INC 1-4 Isabella County Terminated Permit
# 21-073-62001 PINE HILL CLUB, INC 1-4 Isabella County Terminated Permit
# 21-073-62003 ANR 1-31 Isabella County Permitted Well
# 21-085-62000 BURRICK 1-23 Lake County Temporarily Abandoned
# 21-085-62001 STATE PINORA WBO 2-19 Lake County Terminated Permit
# 21-107-60146 TILLMAN 1-17 Mecosta County Producing
# 21-107-60289 MCCALL 1-17 Mecosta County Producing
# 21-107-60356 PITT 1-17 Mecosta County Plugging Approved
# 21-107-60448 HARTMAN 1-16 Mecosta County Producing
# 21-107-60449 MCCALL 2-17 Mecosta County Producing
# 21-107-60449 MCCALL 2-17 Mecosta County Plugging Approved
# 21-107-60493 HARTMAN 2-16 Mecosta County Producing
# 21-107-60493 HARTMAN 2-16 Mecosta County Plugging Approved
# 21-107-60507 HARTMAN 3-16 Mecosta County Active
# 21-107-60586 MACKERSIE 1-9 Mecosta County Producing
# 21-107-60773 TAYLOR 1-20 Mecosta County Plugging Approved
# 21-107-60814 RHOADS 1-20 Mecosta County Producing
# 21-107-60839 WILLIAMSON-MOSER 1-9 Mecosta County Plugging Approved
# 21-107-60839 WILLIAMSON MOSER-HARTMAN UNIT 1-9 Mecosta County Plugging Approved
# 21-107-60878 SLEBODNIK 1-17 Mecosta County Terminated Permit
# 21-107-60879 SMITH 1-17 Mecosta County Active
# 21-107-60899 RHOADS 2-20 Mecosta County Plugging Completed
# 21-107-60956 MCCALL 3-17 Mecosta County Producing
# 21-107-60963 MCCALL 4-17 Mecosta County Producing
# 21-107-61000 BIGFORD 1-8 Mecosta County Plugging Approved
# 21-107-61081 MACKERSIE 1-8 Mecosta County Terminated Permit
# 21-107-62000 BRYAN 1-9 Mecosta County Plugging Approved
# 21-107-62003 MCNEILLY-SANGER 1-17 Mecosta County Plugging Approved
# 21-107-62004 MCNEILLY 1-3 Mecosta County Plugging Approved
# 21-117-61019 GOULDING 1-22 Montcalm County Producing
# 21-117-61127 MCALVEY 1-22 Montcalm County Plugging Approved
# 21-117-61127 MCALVEY 1-22A Montcalm County Plugging Completed
# 21-117-61127 MCALVEY 1-22A BDW Montcalm County Active
# 21-117-61208 WING 1-23 Montcalm County Plugging Completed
# 21-117-61208 WING 1-23A Montcalm County Producing
# 21-117-62001 STANTON FARMS 1-25 Montcalm County Plugging Completed
# 21-117-62002 CROOKS FARMS 1-2 Montcalm County Terminated Permit
# 21-117-62004 MCALVEY 2-22 Montcalm County Producing
# 21-117-62005 VENTON TRUST 1-8 Montcalm County Plugging Approved
# 21-117-62007 MARSHALL 1-22 Montcalm County Producing
# 21-117-62008 STRATTON 1-22 Montcalm County Terminated Permit
# 21-117-62009 WB OSBORN 1-22 SWD Montcalm County Active
# 21-117-62016 STRATTON 1-22 Montcalm County Producing
# 21-117-62017 STRATTON-SCOTT 1-22 Montcalm County Producing
# 21-117-62018 WALDRON FARMS TRUST 1-30 Montcalm County Plugging Completed
# 21-117-62019 WILSON 1-23 Montcalm County Producing
# 21-117-62020 WILSON 2-23 Montcalm County Well Completed
# 21-117-62021 BRITTON 1-23 Montcalm County Well Completed