Lease Summary
Lease Name: E-Z Unit
Operator: Antrim Development Corp
County: Otsego County, MI
Production Dates on File: July 1989 to March 2017

10 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with E-Z Unit
Wells Associated With E-Z Unit
Production Based on August 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 21-137-41693 E-Z A1-19 Plugging Approved
# 21-137-41697 E-Z A2-19 Plugging Approved
# 21-137-41692 E-Z B1-19 Plugging Approved
# 21-137-41698 E-Z B2-19 Plugging Approved
# 21-137-41832 E-Z B3-13 Plugging Approved
# 21-137-41833 E-Z B4-13 Plugging Approved
# 21-137-41694 E-Z C3-13 Plugging Approved
# 21-137-41695 E-Z D3-13 Plugging Approved
# 21-137-41696 E-Z D4-13 Plugging Approved
# 21-137-41255 E-Z ENTERPRISES C4-13 Plugging Approved