Charlton 27 Unit

Lease Summary
Lease Name: Charlton 27 Unit
Operator: Breitburn Operating Limited Partnership
County: Otsego County, MI
Production Dates on File: November 1988 to September 2024

47 Total Wells

6 k MCF of Gas Produced in Aug 2024

Map of Wells Associated with Charlton 27 Unit
Wells Associated With Charlton 27 Unit
Production Based on August 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 21-137-41787 BRINK 1-15 Producing
# 21-137-41786 BRINK 2-15 Producing
# 21-137-41778 CHARLTON HAGADORN 2-14 Producing
# 21-137-42273 DUCZKOWSKI 1-27 Producing
# 21-137-43505 DUCZKOWSKI 2-27 Producing
# 21-137-43502 DUCZKOWSKI 3-27 Producing
# 21-137-40957 HAGADORN 1-14 HD1 Producing
# 21-137-41783 HAGADORN 3-14 Producing
# 21-137-40961 HOLDEN 1-28 HD1 Producing
# 21-137-43500 HOLDEN 2-28 Temporarily Abandoned
# 21-137-42503 HOY 1-21 Producing
# 21-137-40963 HOY 1-22 HD1 Producing
# 21-137-41781 HOY 2-22 Producing
# 21-137-43558 HOY, ET AL 1-16 Producing
# 21-137-43510 HUSTON 1-35 Producing
# 21-137-43499 HUSTON 2-35 Producing
# 21-137-40962 KESKINE 1-22 HD1 Producing
# 21-137-41779 KESKINE 2-22 Producing
# 21-137-57151 KORFF C3-22 Producing
# 21-137-57150 KORFF D4-22 Producing
# 21-137-42500 KUCYKOWICZ 1-33 Producing
# 21-137-43498 KUCYKOWICZ 2-33 Producing
# 21-137-43507 KUCYKOWICZ 3-33 Producing
# 21-137-40960 KWAPIS 1-28 HD1 Producing
# 21-137-42502 KWAPIS 2-28 Producing
# 21-137-42501 KWAPIS 3-28 Producing
# 21-137-43501 KWAPIS 4-28 Producing
# 21-137-42496 KWAPIS, JAMES 1-33 Temporarily Abandoned
# 21-137-42504 MEADE 1-22 Producing
# 21-137-43509 MEADE 2-22 Producing
# 21-137-40964 MILBOCKER 1-22 HD1 Producing
# 21-137-41780 MILBOCKER 2-22 Producing
# 21-137-40866 PEWINSKI 1-27 HD1 Producing
# 21-137-41782 PEWINSKI 1-28 Producing
# 21-137-40959 PEWINSKI 2-27 HD1 Producing
# 21-137-42499 PEWINSKI 2-28 Producing
# 21-137-43503 PEWINSKI 3-27 Producing
# 21-137-43504 PEWINSKI 4-27 Producing
# 21-137-42497 SKLARCZYK 1-33 Producing
# 21-137-42498 SKLARCZYK 2-33 Producing
# 21-137-43489 STATE CHARLTON 1-33 Producing
# 21-137-43508 STATE CHARLTON 1-34 Producing
# 21-137-43506 STATE CHARLTON 2-34 Producing
# 21-137-40956 WIEGANDT 1-15 Producing
# 21-137-41442 WIEGANDT 2-15 Producing
# 21-137-41785 WIEGANDT 3-15 Producing
# 21-137-41784 WIEGANDT 4-15 Producing
Leases Near Charlton 27 Unit