Williston Industrial Supply Corporation Oil & Gas Wells in Montana

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Williston Industrial Supply Corporation
Address: 1020 42nd Street East
Williston, ND 58801
Production Dates on File: January 1991 to October 2011

20 Total Leases

25 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Williston Industrial Supply Corporation
Leases Associated With Williston Industrial Supply Corporation
Production Based on October 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 1196 JENSEN (21-43) Richland County
# 1324 L. W. LOUGH (#3) Roosevelt County
# 1380 LAWSON (1-14) Richland County
# 1500 MARSHALL (1) Sheridan County
# 1600 MILLER ET AL (1) Sheridan County
# 1712 NEVINS (8-11X) Richland County
# 174 BEAGLE (17-43) Richland County
# 1917 RAU (20-23R) Richland County
# 2042 SHOCK (#1) McCone County
# 2286 SUNDHEIM (1-27, 2-27) Roosevelt County
# 2757 SUN TRIBAL (1 & 2) Valley County
# 3194 TININENKO (#1-24) Roosevelt County
# 3484 R. C. LUECK Richland County
# 4197 PANASUK Roosevelt County
# 4296 RAU (15-43) Richland County
# 4427 ASBECK (1) Richland County
# 4943 PANASUK Roosevelt County
# 5056 ASBECK (35-22) Richland County
# 647 EUNIS TORGERSON (1) Sheridan County
# 898 GOFF (1-32) Sheridan County
Wells Associated With Williston Industrial Supply Corporation
Production Based on October 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 25-055-05076 S. JENSON 1 McCone County P&A - Approved
# 25-055-05078 A. SCHOCK #2 McCone County P&A - Approved
# 25-055-05082 ART SHOCK #1-26 McCone County P&A - Approved
# 25-083-21101 Asbeck 1 Richland County P&A - Approved
# 25-083-21161 Beagle 17-43 Richland County P&A - Approved
# 25-083-21172 RAU 15-43 Richland County P&A - Approved
# 25-083-21182 Rau 20-23R Richland County P&A - Approved
# 25-083-21345 JENSEN 21-43 Richland County P&A - Approved
# 25-083-21415 Nevins 8-11X Richland County P&A - Approved
# 25-083-21439 LAWSON RCH 1-14 Richland County P&A - Approved
# 25-083-21449 Asbeck 35-22 Richland County P&A - Approved
# 25-083-21730 R.C. Lueck 1 Richland County P&A - Approved
# 25-085-05218 L.W. Lough 3 Roosevelt County P&A - Approved
# 25-085-05230 L.W. Lough 1 Roosevelt County P&A - Approved
# 25-085-21096 SUNDHEIM 1-27 Roosevelt County P&A - Approved
# 25-085-21190 Panasuk 1 Roosevelt County P&A - Approved
# 25-085-21261 SUNDHEIM 2-27 Roosevelt County P&A - Approved
# 25-085-21283 Panasuk 8 Roosevelt County P&A - Approved
# 25-085-21332 George Tininenko 1R Roosevelt County P&A - Approved
# 25-091-21197 MILLER 1 Sheridan County P&A - Approved
# 25-091-21215 Marshall 1 Sheridan County P&A - Approved
# 25-091-21218 Peterson 1 Sheridan County P&A - Approved
# 25-091-21389 E. Torgerson 1 Sheridan County P&A - Approved
# 25-091-21453 GOFF 1-32 Sheridan County P&A - Approved
# 25-105-21248 Sun Tribal 1 Valley County P&A - Approved