Lease Summary
Lease Name: Britt B
Operator: Conocophillips Company
County: Lea County, NM
Production Dates on File: January 1993 to March 2020

13 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Britt B
Wells Associated With Britt B
Production Based on October 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 30-025-06104 BRITT B 005 Plugged 1939-03-20
# 30-025-06108 BRITT B 009 Plugged
# 30-025-06112 BRITT B 013 Plugged 1962-06-10
# 30-025-06113 BRITT B 014 Plugged
# 30-025-20649 BRITT B 021 Plugged
# 30-025-24956 BRITT B 025 Plugged
# 30-025-32587 BRITT B 029 Plugged 1994-07-15
# 30-025-33907 BRITT B 033 Plugged 1997-04-13
# 30-025-35987 BRITT B 050 Cancelled
# 30-025-43372 BRITT B 052 Cancelled
# 30-025-43155 BRITT B 053C Cancelled
# 30-025-42834 BRITT B 054 New
# 30-025-43156 BRITT B 055C Cancelled