Bronco Wolfcamp Unit

Lease Summary
Lease Name: Bronco Wolfcamp Unit
Operator: GP II Energy Inc
County: Lea County, NM
Production Dates on File: January 1993 to July 1996

8 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Bronco Wolfcamp Unit
Wells Associated With Bronco Wolfcamp Unit
Production Based on September 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 30-025-07217 BRONCO WOLFCAMP UNIT 001 Plugged
# 30-025-07216 BRONCO WOLFCAMP UNIT 002 Plugged 1958-05-15
# 30-025-20408 BRONCO WOLFCAMP UNIT 004 Plugged
# 30-025-07221 BRONCO WOLFCAMP UNIT 005 Plugged 1957-08-29
# 30-025-07220 BRONCO WOLFCAMP UNIT 006 Plugged 1962-07-22
# 30-025-07218 BRONCO WOLFCAMP UNIT 007 Plugged
# 30-025-07219 BRONCO WOLFCAMP UNIT 008 Plugged
# 30-025-27049 BRONCO WOLFCAMP UNIT 009 Plugged 1980-09-24