Northeast Pearl Queen Unit

Lease Summary
Lease Name: Northeast Pearl Queen Unit
Operator: Quantum Resources Management, LLC
County: Lea County, NM
Production Dates on File: January 1994 to October 2013

7 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Northeast Pearl Queen Unit
Wells Associated With Northeast Pearl Queen Unit
Production Based on September 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 30-025-03192 NORTHEAST PEARL QUEEN UNIT 006 Plugged 1961-09-22
# 30-025-03193 NORTHEAST PEARL QUEEN UNIT 007 Plugged 1961-11-05
# 30-025-20580 NORTHEAST PEARL QUEEN UNIT 013 Plugged 1963-06-16
# 30-025-03198 NORTHEAST PEARL QUEEN UNIT 014 Plugged 1962-06-10
# 30-025-03194 NORTHEAST PEARL QUEEN UNIT 015 Plugged 1962-08-08
# 30-025-03195 NORTHEAST PEARL QUEEN UNIT 016 Plugged 1962-09-05
# 30-025-03199 NORTHEAST PEARL QUEEN UNIT 019 Plugged 1962-09-14