21ST Century Investment Corp Oil & Gas Wells in New Mexico

Operator Summary
Operator Name: 21ST Century Investment Corp
Address: 2145 E 27TH ST
TULSA, OK 74114
Production Dates on File: February 1994 to April 2000

8 Total Leases

10 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with 21ST Century Investment Corp
Leases Associated With 21ST Century Investment Corp
Production Based on October 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 15053 NAVAJO AZTEC A San Juan County
# 16221 NAVAJO AA San Juan County
Wells Associated With 21ST Century Investment Corp
Production Based on October 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 30-045-11299 NAVAJO AZTEC A 004 San Juan County Plugged
# 30-045-11305 NAVAJO AZTEC A 005 San Juan County Plugged
# 30-045-11400 NAVAJO AA 013 San Juan County Plugged
# 30-045-11425 NAVAJO AA 009 San Juan County Plugged
# 30-045-11430 NAVAJO AA 008 San Juan County Plugged
# 30-045-11438 NAVAJO AA 012 San Juan County Plugged
# 30-045-11442 NAVAJO AA 007 San Juan County Plugged
# 30-045-11459 NAVAJO AA 004 San Juan County Plugged
# 30-045-21478 NAVAJO AA 023 San Juan County Plugged
# 30-045-21521 NAVAJO AA 024 San Juan County Plugged