EOG Y Resources, Inc. Oil & Gas Wells in New Mexico

Operator Summary
Operator Name: EOG Y Resources, Inc.
Address: 104 S 4th St
Artesia, NM 88210
Production Dates on File: January 1993 to February 2019

2.6 k Total Leases

2.5 k Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with EOG Y Resources, Inc.
Leases Associated With EOG Y Resources, Inc.
Production Based on October 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 11971 ACHEN FREY DM Eddy County
# 11972 ACME Chaves County
# 11973 ACME COM Chaves County
# 11974 ADELINE ALN FEDERAL Eddy County
# 11976 AGAVE AAJ STATE Eddy County
# 11981 ALKALI FEDERAL Chaves County
# 11982 ALKALI FEDERAL COM Chaves County
# 11984 ALLISON CQ FEDERAL Eddy County
# 11989 AMANDA AMN FEDERAL Lea County
# 11993 AMOCO STATE HE Eddy County
# 11994 AMOCO QT FEDERAL Eddy County
# 11995 AMOCO STATE MP Lea County
# 12005 ARCO EI FEDERAL Eddy County
# 12006 ARCO EC STATE Eddy County
# 12008 ARMSTRONG KS STATE COM Eddy County
# 12012 AVIETTE ALK STATE Eddy County
# 12017 BALLARD A Eddy County
# 12018 BALLARD B Eddy County
# 12019 BARBEE L L Lea County
# 12032 BERNICE RP FEDERAL Chaves County
# 12035 BIG EDDY UNIT Eddy County
# 12036 BIG SKY ABY STATE Chaves County
# 12038 BINNION TT FEDERAL Chaves County
# 12043 BLANCO Chaves County
# 12044 BLAZER XN STATE Chaves County
# 12047 BLUFF AKM STATE Eddy County
# 12048 BLUFFSIDE WF FEDERAL Eddy County
# 12052 BONNIE YM Eddy County
# 12055 BOSQUE GRANDE SQ FEDERAL Chaves County
# 12057 BOX CANYON UNIT Eddy County
# 12058 BOX CANYON GJ FED COM Eddy County
# 12060 BOYD BN COM Eddy County
# 12062 BOYD X STATE COM Eddy County
# 12064 BOZARTH UC Chaves County
# 12069 BRIGHAM Eddy County
# 12070 BRONSON SH COM Chaves County
# 12072 BROWN YATES Eddy County
# 12075 BRYAN ME Eddy County
# 12076 BUDER ACN FEDERAL Chaves County
# 12077 BUREAUCRAT AGV Lea County
# 12078 BURGLAND AAG Roosevelt County
# 12080 BURTIS COM Chaves County
# 12082 CC TANK UNIT Eddy County
# 12083 CACTI AGB STATE COM Eddy County
# 12084 CACTUS FLOWER AMC ST Chaves County
# 12091 CARL TP COM Eddy County
# 12099 CATCLAW AGM STATE COM Eddy County
Wells Associated With EOG Y Resources, Inc.
Production Based on October 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 30-005-00158 RUBY JO ATY 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-00159 DEKALB FEDERAL 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-00236 FAWN AWN STATE COM 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-00333 JUMPER BJA STATE COM 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-00334 AMBUSH AWE STATE 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-10097 MCALESTER AAH STATE 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-10120 SHELL JAMES AOO FEDERAL 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-10239 STATE BD SWD 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-10431 OSO AVV FEDERAL 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20011 SUN UW FEDERAL 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20490 UNION SI FEDERAL 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20543 CONE STATE 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20566 CHAVELEA BBL STATE COM 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20644 WESTERN RESERVES 32 STATE 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20699 COLA ADO STATE COM 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20793 WESTERN RESERVES 34 FEDERAL 005 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20818 PAUL LR 006 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20822 PAUL LR 008 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20865 UNION SI FEDERAL 003 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20878 CHAMPLIN UL FEDERAL 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20884 SUN UW FEDERAL 002 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20902 UNION XJ STATE 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20909 CONE STATE 002 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20914 UNION XJ STATE 002 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20925 SUN UW FEDERAL 003 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20927 CONE STATE 003 Chaves County Cancelled
# 30-005-20928 CONE STATE 004 Chaves County Cancelled
# 30-005-20929 CONE STATE 005 Chaves County Cancelled
# 30-005-20936 CENTER XI FEDERAL 004 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-20941 LIGHTCAP YR 002 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-21038 ENSTAR ACW STATE 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-21046 CHARLOTTE ADK STATE 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-21085 FLYING WV 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-21086 VEST RANCH RE FEDERAL 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-21121 LOVELESS LQ STATE 009 Chaves County Cancelled
# 30-005-21136 MANGAS BDM STATE 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-21149 BUTKIS DEEP UNIT 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-21185 EMJAY BBJ FEDERAL 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-24763 HORN YG FEDERAL 005C Chaves County Cancelled
# 30-005-27932 PATSY STATE UNIT 001 Chaves County Cancelled
# 30-005-27933 PATSY STATE UNIT 004 Chaves County Cancelled
# 30-005-27935 PATSY STATE UNIT 003D Chaves County Cancelled
# 30-005-27937 PATSY STATE UNIT 005H Chaves County Cancelled
# 30-005-27940 CHICKEN LITTLE STATE UNIT 001 Chaves County Plugged
# 30-005-27949 LANDESS BIY 001 Chaves County Cancelled
# 30-005-27958 TILLIS BJZ 001E Chaves County Cancelled
# 30-005-27979 PATSY STATE UNIT 006N Chaves County Cancelled
# 30-005-29020 PATSY STATE UNIT 001 Chaves County Cancelled
# 30-005-29022 PATSY STATE UNIT 003 Chaves County Cancelled
# 30-005-29023 PATSY STATE UNIT 005 Chaves County Cancelled