Hugh Lake

Lease Summary
Lease Name: Hugh Lake
Operator: Dugan Production Corp
County: San Juan County, NM
Production Dates on File: July 2001 to December 2018

5 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Hugh Lake
Wells Associated With Hugh Lake
Production Based on September 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 30-045-25711 HUGH LAKE 002 Plugged 1983-05-28
# 30-045-25713 HUGH LAKE 003 Plugged 1983-05-27
# 30-045-29829 HUGH LAKE 090 Plugged 2003-04-14
# 30-045-33834 HUGH LAKE 091 Plugged 2008-03-19
# 30-045-33824 HUGH LAKE 091S Plugged 2008-03-31