Chace Apache 54

Lease Summary
Lease Name: Chace Apache 54
Operator: Golden Oil Holding Corporation
County: Sandoval County, NM
Production Dates on File: January 1993 to March 2022

7 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Chace Apache 54
Wells Associated With Chace Apache 54
Production Based on September 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 30-043-20349 CHACE APACHE 54 001 Plugged 1978-09-12
# 30-043-20186 CHACE APACHE 54 002 Active 1977-03-16
# 30-043-20306 CHACE APACHE 54 003 Plugged 1978-04-28
# 30-043-20305 CHACE APACHE 54 004 Active 1978-05-13
# 30-043-20352 CHACE APACHE 54 007 Plugged 1979-06-04
# 30-043-20541 CHACE APACHE 54 009 Plugged 1981-06-07
# 30-043-20651 CHACE APACHE 54 010 Active 1982-09-25