G3 Operating, LLC Oil & Gas Wells in North Dakota

Operator Summary
Operator Name: G3 Operating, LLC
Production Dates on File: February 2008 to May 2013

13 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with G3 Operating, LLC
Wells Associated With G3 Operating, LLC
Production Based on October 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 33-009-02105 BOLL 1-27 Bottineau County Dry Hole
# 33-009-02133 SMU 33-21 I Bottineau County Dry Hole
# 33-009-02156 STATE 9-16 Bottineau County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-009-02157 STATE 11-16 Bottineau County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-009-02158 STATE 13-16 Bottineau County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-009-02160 STATE 15-16 Bottineau County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-009-02163 STATE 14-17 Bottineau County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-009-02164 STATE 12-17 Bottineau County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-075-01399 KNOX FARM 13-33 Renville County Dry Hole
# 33-105-01980 STATE 1-36H Williams County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-105-02372 JOHNSON 1-34-27H Williams County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-105-02385 LARSON 1-32-29H Williams County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-105-02414 PASTERNAK 1-32-29HC Williams County Permit Now Cancelled