Delta Exploration Company Inc Oil & Gas Wells in Wyoming

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Delta Exploration Company Inc
Address: 370 17TH STREET STE.4300
DENVER, CO 80202
Production Dates on File: January 1996 to August 2010

79 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Delta Exploration Company Inc
Wells Associated With Delta Exploration Company Inc
Production Based on October 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 49-013-21562 ESTHER FULLER FEE 2 Fremont County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-013-21566 ESTHER FULLER FEE 3 Fremont County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-013-21771 RESERVOIR CREEK 2-31 Fremont County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-013-22322 GATES BUTTE UNIT 10-17 Fremont County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-013-22350 DELTA FEDERAL 3-25 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22353 DELTA FEDERAL 2-24 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22398 FEDERAL 1-26 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22401 FULLER STATE 36-1 Fremont County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-013-22455 FULLER STATE 36-21 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22462 FULLER STATE 36-23 Fremont County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-013-22463 FULLER STATE 36-33 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22464 FULLER STATE 36-13 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22466 FULLER STATE 36-24 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22467 FULLER STATE 36-43 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22491 DELTA FEDERAL 5-25 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22492 DELTA FEDERAL 7-24 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22493 DELTA FEDERAL 9-24 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22494 DELTA FEDERAL 8-24 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22495 DELTA FEDERAL 8-25 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22496 DELTA FEDERAL 5-24 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22497 DELTA FEDERAL 4-24 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22498 DELTA FEDERAL 6-24A Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22499 DELTA FEDERAL 7-25 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22500 DELTA FEDERAL 6-25 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22501 DELTA FEDERAL 10-25 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22502 DELTA FEDERAL 9-25 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22529 FULLER STATE 36-31 Fremont County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-013-22546 DELTA FEDERAL 4-25 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22556 FULLER STATE 36-34 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22557 FULLER STATE 36-14 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22558 FULLER STATE 36-32 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22559 FULLER STATE 36-42 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22560 FULLER STATE 36-12 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22561 FULLER STATE 36-22 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22569 DELTA FEDERAL 2-24R Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22621 W POISON CREEK FED 22-31 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22622 FEDERAL DEADMAN 1 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-22891 WEST MADDEN FEDERAL 34-42 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-23074 DIAMOND STATE 36-22 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-23075 DIAMOND STATE 36-21 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-23076 DIAMOND STATE 36-24 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-23078 DIAMOND STATE 36-14 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-23079 DIAMOND STATE 36-43 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-23080 DIAMOND STATE 36-12 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-23081 DIMAOND STATE 36-34 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-23082 DIAMOND STATE 36-23 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-23084 DIAMOND STATE 36-41 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-23092 DIAMOND STATE 36-32 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-23109 COPPER MOUNTAIN UNIT 34-33 Fremont County Expired Permit
# 49-013-23110 WEST MADDEN FEDERAL 27-44 Fremont County Expired Permit