Greenstreet Lloyd Oil & Gas Wells in Wyoming

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Greenstreet Lloyd
Production Dates on File: December 1983 to December 1986

7 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Greenstreet Lloyd
Wells Associated With Greenstreet Lloyd
Production Based on October 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 49-007-05542 UPRR PATENTED 3 Carbon County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-007-20909 U P R R 22H-20 Carbon County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-007-20943 U P R R 8 Carbon County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-007-20990 UPRR 24 Carbon County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-007-20991 U P R R 23 Carbon County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-007-20992 U P R R 7 Carbon County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-007-21008 U P R R 17 Carbon County Permanently Abandoned