Paxton Resources Oil & Gas Wells in Wyoming

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Paxton Resources
Address: 132 N OTSEGO
Production Dates on File: June 2000 to October 2002

35 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Paxton Resources
Wells Associated With Paxton Resources
Production Based on October 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 49-033-20284 SHACKELFORD 1 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20299 DOENZ 1 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20495 BRANNAMAN C2A-32 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20496 BRANNAMAN A4A-31 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20497 BRANNAMAN C1A-32 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20499 BRANNAMAN B2A-32 Sheridan County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-033-20500 BRANNAMAN B1A-32 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20502 BRANNAMAN B4A-31 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20503 BRANNAMAN C4A-31 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20504 BRANNAMAN D4A-31 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20526 BRANNAMAN A3B-31 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20527 BRANNAMAN A4B-31 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20528 BRANNAMAN B3B-31 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20529 BRANNAMAN B4B-31 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20530 BRANNAMAN C3B-31 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20531 BRANNAMAN A1B-32 Sheridan County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-033-20533 BRANNAMAN B1B-32 Sheridan County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-033-20538 BRANNAMAN D4B-31 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20539 BRANNAMAN D3B-31 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20540 BRANNAMAN B3A-31 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20541 BRANNAMAN C3A-31 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20542 BRANNAMAN D3A-31 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20574 KANE A1A-5 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20575 KANE A2A-5 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20576 KANE A3A-5 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20577 KANE A4A-5 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20578 KANE B4A-5 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20579 KANE B3A-5 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20580 KANE B4B-5 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20581 KANE A2B-5 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20582 KANE B3B-5 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20583 KANE A3B-5 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20584 KANE A1B-5 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20585 KANE A4B-5 Sheridan County Expired Permit
# 49-033-20586 BRANNAMAN A3A-31 Sheridan County Expired Permit