Zenergy Inc Oil & Gas Wells in Wyoming

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Zenergy Inc
Address: 1 WEST 3RD STREET STE. 1700
TULSA, OK 74136
Production Dates on File: June 2004 to September 2009

24 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Zenergy Inc
Wells Associated With Zenergy Inc
Production Based on October 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 49-023-21741 WATERFALL FEDERAL 1-35 Lincoln County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-023-21770 SOUTH HORSE TRAP FED 1-2 Lincoln County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-023-21917 WATERFALL FEDERAL 26-2 Lincoln County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-023-21918 WATERFALL FEDERAL 23-3 Lincoln County Expired Permit
# 49-023-21927 WATERFALL FEDERAL 35-2 Lincoln County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-023-21945 WATERFALL FEDERAL 26-3 Lincoln County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-023-21946 WATERFALL FEDERAL 27-4 Lincoln County Expired Permit
# 49-023-21947 WATERFALL FEDERAL 34-1 Lincoln County Expired Permit
# 49-023-22016 WATERFALL FEDERAL 35-3 Lincoln County Expired Permit
# 49-023-22021 BULLSEYE 6-4 Lincoln County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-023-22028 SOUTH WATERFALL 13-2 Lincoln County Expired Permit
# 49-023-22029 EAST KEMMERER 27-2 Lincoln County Expired Permit
# 49-023-22030 SOUTH WATERFALL 11-4 Lincoln County Expired Permit
# 49-023-22031 EAST KEMMERER 21-4 Lincoln County Expired Permit
# 49-023-22034 WATERFALL FEDERAL 34-4 Lincoln County Expired Permit
# 49-023-22035 OPAL TRAIL 7-3 Lincoln County Expired Permit
# 49-023-22036 OPAL TRAIL 13-1 Lincoln County Expired Permit
# 49-023-22042 NORTH FORK 15-1 Lincoln County Expired Permit
# 49-023-22056 NORTH FORK 11-3 Lincoln County Expired Permit
# 49-023-22060 HAMS FORK 35-1 Lincoln County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-041-20995 UPRC 25-1 Uinta County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-041-21256 CUMBERLAND STATE 1-16 Uinta County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-041-21272 DUCK FEDERAL 1-30 Uinta County Permanently Abandoned
# 49-041-21340 TEAL 36-1 Uinta County Permanently Abandoned